YouTube is simply put one of the most underutilized platforms on the web when it comes to digital marketing. Not only is YouTube the second biggest search engine on the entire internet but it?s also the best place to engage in video marketing ? which just so happens to be an incredibly powerful tool for persuading audiences and generating clicks and conversions.
Just think about the impact that video has on you in your own life. Whenever we try and engage in a conversation with a TV in the room, most of us can?t help but stare at it. And when we start watching a random documentary at 1am in the morning, all too often we?ll end up staying up all night to watch it to the end.
With written content, we digital marketers are often fighting a losing battle to try and hold the attention of audiences who are over saturated with marketing messages, adverts and other media vying for their attention. With video on the other hand, it?s the user who struggles to look away. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to deliver a powerful message that will help you to build your brand and increase your following.
What?s more, YouTube also offers many of the advantages of social media marketing ? it gives you a way to build a following that you can market to in future and it allows you to leverage your connections through influencer marketing and other strategies. But unlike Facebook or Twitter where there?s a large element of luck involved, success on YouTube is all about having something interested to say and a unique way to deliver that point. If you have something unique and interesting and you know how to package it, YouTube can deliver you almost guaranteed success.
The only downside? YouTube success involves a little more work than some of the other strategies you might have tried in the past. With this e-book then, you?ll have your blueprint for success. As long as you are willing to execute the steps herein, you will be able to build a huge following and influence them as with no other strategy.
Before we begin getting into the advanced techniques and the nuts and bolts of YouTube, we?ll first take a moment to look at the basics of how YouTube works and what it has to offer.
Most basically then, YouTube is a website that allows users to upload videos from their computers so that they will be hosted online. They can then embed said videos on their websites or direct traffic and visitors to them without putting strain on their servers.
Moreover though, YouTube also allows other users to search through those videos using cross searches to find content they find interesting. Creators can improve their likelihood of their content being discovered meanwhile by using smart titles and the right keywords that will act as search terms. And when you find a YouTube user whose content you enjoy, you can then subscribe in order to see their newest videos on the homepage whenever you visit the site.
As with other social utilities, YouTube also allows users to create profiles (and channels) and it allows for direct messaging as well as commenting on videos. Active discussion on a video is a great way to increase engagement and to heighten visibility. These days, the social aspect of YouTube is tied to Google Plus, meaning that your YouTube profile will be the same as your Google Plus profile.
Another interesting aspect of YouTube that we?ll look into later, is the advertising. Using YouTube ads, creators can earn money from their videos (when a user watches through to the end or clicks on an ad) or they can promote their own channels via other users.
While this provides a basic overview of YouTube, there are tons of tips, tricks and strategies you can use to get more out of it and learn all of these to ensure that your views and subscribers truly soar and to help you really make a name for yourself and your business.