Another important aspect of most PLR packages is the ?opt-in? page. This works similarly to a sales page in that it has a singular purpose, but it is different in that the purpose in question is unique from the sales page. The idea of an opt-in page is to allow you to build a mailing list filled with leads that will potentially want to buy from you.
Here?s the deal
Trying to get someone who has just landed on your website to buy a product from you immediately is a fool?s errand. All that will tend to happen is that they will feel frustrated at being ?sold to? and then leave?. But with an opt-in page ? the chance to sign up to an email list ? you are offering free information instead. This is much easier to convince a stranger to go for and you can think of it a little like introducing yourself to a hot date before asking for their phone number.
Most PLR packages will give you an opt-in page and will then also provide you with an autoresponder sequence (remember the autoresponder manages your email marketing) that will consist of several emails that have been designed to encourage people to open them and then to build trust and authority so that they become interested in buying from you.
What most PLR packages will also provide though ? and this is even more important ? is some kind of incentive. The incentive is the free item that your visitors will want badly enough in order to be willing to hand over their account details. If you?ve ever seen the (highly annoying) videos from Tai Lopez on YouTube, then this is a good demonstration of how a sales funnel works.
Tai starts by bombarding cold leads with videos through YouTube advertising. Most of us click ?Skip? but a few will be won over by his promise to ?change your life in 3 minutes?. Of course one of the ?3 amazing tips? that Tai offers needs further elaboration but don?t worry ? the information he is offering is completely free of charge and you can find it by clicking the link below.
So, you do that and you?re taken to his page. Indeed that information is free but in order to get it, you need to fill out your email to get it sent to you (this is to ?prevent spam? or some nonsense of course). So, you do that and you get your free report. In the free report, the true product is promoted for $100. (The $100 product also promotes a $1,000 product FYI).
And if you aren?t won over by this, then the several emails that follow will be enough to encourage you to reconsider making a purchase. You?ve gone from someone who is annoyed by Tai and wants to be left alone, to someone who just spent $1,000 to visit his seminar. This is the power of a ?sales funnel? and the first and most important step in that is to promote a mailing list via an incentive ? or a ?magnet? (hence the name of the funnel ?List Magnets?).
How to Set Up Your Opt-In Page
To get your opt-in page online, you can simply follow the same steps we used to get the sales page up and running. The difference though is that instead of setting up a ?Buy Now? button, your job is instead to set up a subscribe button. And to do that, you will need to use your autoresponder. The one that I most recommend is Builderall?s email autoresponder called MalingBoss. To use this to create your list, click the button along the top that says ?Lists? and then click on the + button that says ?Create New List?.
From here, you will then create your list. This is one great thing about MalingBoss ? it allows you to have multiple lists at once so that you can have one for each digital product if you so wish and/or one for your overarching brand. You?ll need to enter some details such as a contact address and your website and then the information that you want to be displayed about you when the emails go out.
You can also name your list and you should choose something logical here in the interest of organization. Describe the list and then make a message for your confirmation. Most autoresponders now default to a ?double opt-in?, which means that your new visitors will need to sign up and then confirm their address. This is an important way to prevent people from confirming by accident, to prevent people from signing up who never check their emails, and to prevent spam.
Building a big list is not important ? building a highly targeted and engaged list is what matters! It?s up to you what your welcome message looks like but of course you want to make sure that it includes a link to the product that your subscribers have been promised!
Click ?Save Changes? and your list is now ready to go! Unlike other autoresponders, no NEED to create the optin form from scratch, plenty of customizable templates to choose from.
Choose something that will match the design of your site while also standing out you can pick your own brand colors for the buttons, layout ect?. You?ll also need to choose what information you want to collect. The simpler you keep this, the easier it will be to convince people to sign up. But with that said, more data will make it easier for you to sell and will even mean that your mailing list itself might be worth something in the future, thus meaning that you can actually sell it!
Choose the header to decide how you want the form to announce itself and pick a name for it. You also want to choose a thank you page, which is another place where you can include your download link if you prefer. This might be predetermined by the files that you have been provided with go with it! And of course, you need to test that this all works again before going live!